Some presentations are for the public (e.g., community, church, or cultural events), while others are tailored to specific market segments (e.g., government, business, or healthcare). Presentations approximately 1 – 1 1/2 hours, unless noted. Talks can be designed and tailored to your budget and needs. Download list for talk descriptions.
‘Ted Talk’ 2025: How to Eat for the Rest of Your Life
Cooking and Artificial Intelligence (Three classes: youngsters, teens /tweens, adults)
Solutions to Global Warming—A Culinary Perspective
Cooking for Time, Taste, Cost and Kids
Taste Your Way Thru the Book—A Cool Cuisine!
The New Economy and the Food System—Best Bang for the Bite and the Buck
Solutions to Global Warming (and other municipal hassles)—A Culinary Perspective
Eating Urban – Bringing Urban Cuisine to Colleges and Universities
The Business of Eating—Green Cuisine Trends and Practices
Cool Cuisine—Feed Your Body, Mind and Planet
Bringing Regionally Responsible Cuisine into Food Service
Cool Cuisine
Is global warming really the ‘best thing that has happened to the culinary world in a long time’ as chef Laura Stec suggests? The discovery that our food choices can reduce global warming as effectively as buying a new fuel-efficient vehicle inspires new strategies toward creating a more sustainable world. What we eat does have an impact on our planet and you can eat better tasting, higher-vibe food and find solutions for the global warming diet through Cool Cuisine: Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming by Laura Stec with Eugene Cordero, PhD (Gibbs Smith, Publisher).
Cool Cuisine is a smorgasbord of scientific facts and culinary art where the reader learns new ways to look at global warming. It presents the full cycle of how our agrochemical food system affects global warming and how global warming affects the food system. With in-depth research and interviews from over 30 scientists, farmers, ranchers, and food professionals, it inspires personal life changes by offering easy recipes, ideas for your next “book and cook” club, and simple tips on how to prepare a global-cooling cuisine. The book is organized into three sections: the first gives background to global warming food connections, the second highlights solutions, and the third is a “culinary how-to,” teaching simple techniques and tips for cooking Cool Cuisine.